

In boston, if someone were to walk around wearing one of these face masks, we'd all think he/she was a) weird b) undergoing cancer treatment or c) weird. In hong kong, people all over the place wear masks. They sell them in every store and at every market for cheap. No one stares, no kids point and ask what's wrong (in fact, they're often forced to wear them as well), it's completely accepted. I don't get this! Not only do they look strange, but they're not comfortable! Anytime i spent time with kids on precautions (when any non-family member entering the room needed to put on a gown, gloves, mask, etc) i was counting the minutes until i could take the thing off. Is swine flu really worth all this?


And said...

I brought masks for me and Nora to wear on the plane to Florida. But we just sanitized ourselves with cocktails instead.

stephanie said...

Your method was a much more socially accepted option. Good job.

portia said...

hmmmm interesting. esp since we've had to do the whole mask thing with potentially-h1n1-infected patients on our floor over the past few weeks. from a medical perspective, the mask thing doesn't bother me one bit hahahah =P