

A. showed up sunday night just before midnight. She has a conference in chicago this weekend, but figured she'd come a bit early to catch up with people in boston (and to help with the 12 hour jet lag). It was very strange- hard to believe i hadn't seen her in almost nine months, the longest (by far- like eight months far) i've gone without seeing her in the past eleven years. Luckily, i've kept busy, so it wasn't as painful as it could have been. Pretty soon, i'll be spending two months with all of them. (Only thirteen days to go!) When i was planning to leave on may 4th, i even tried to convince A. to fly back to hong kong with me. Apparently, she values first class more than a 16 hour long chat with her favorite stephanie. At least i know where i stand!


Evil said...

did you give her a huge ass guilt trip over it or what? :)

Nora said...

You have a good two weeks - a visit with A, and then a trip to China and beyond.
We'll miss you in Orlando though, you'll be with us in spirit. We'll call you drunk! Drunk dial!