

About a month ago, i bought my plane ticket. With 59 days to go, it felt so far off, and all the things i needed to do before leaving weren't high on my priority list- staying afloat in school and my internship seemed much more pressing. That was 31 days ago. Now I have just 28 days until my lovely parents drop me at the airport at 4am. TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS! I still don't have my visa (but am much closer thanks to a fantastic cousin who can print me an itinerary), i still haven't received any vaccinations, i still don't really know where i'm backpacking to once i'm there, and i still haven't put much time into thinking through what i'm bringing (in terms of clothes, shoes, luggage, etc, etc). I'm a tad overwhelmed. To boot, i still have three weeks left of school which includes 12 days at MGH, three days in class, and a ginormous amount of busy work (papers, finals, papers, logs, papers, journal entries, etc, etc). I think it will all come together though. I'm making a priority list- first is the visa, and second are the vaccinations. The rest of the stuff can come together or not, either way it will be fine. Once i'm there, my longest stretch for travel time will only be 11 days, so i'm trying to decide where to go. I'm between cambodia/southern vietnam or laos/northern vietnam. I can't decide. Any input?


Shirley said...


Nora said...

I'm getting jealous!
I cannot wiat to see your pictures! I think anything would be good...