

Nope, i don't go to church every week (sorry mom), but some traditions are so ingrained that i feel obligated to acknowledge them. I planned to get ashes on wednesday before class, but then realized that i was heading in early  to have my picture taken for the graduate webpage. I didn't think the photographer would be thrilled with a smudge on my forehead. Instead, i tried to think of something realistic to give up for the 40 days of lent. In years past, i've intended to copy my sister and give up junk food, but my self control will never be at the same level as hers. So, after some thought, i decided to give up pasta. This was my reasoning:
  1. It's neither too difficult nor too easy- i'll be able to stick with it for the full 40 days, but will definitely miss it.
  2. I eat far too much of it, particularly recently (about 4 nights/week), mainly because it's easy and quick and i'm tired.
  3. It will force me to come up with new dinner ideas that are more meat based (except on fridays, of course).
It's been three days so far, and so good! Hopefully i won't eat it by accident. That already happened when i finished my leftover chicken/veggies for lunch today, only to realize i wasn't suppose to eat meat. Oops. 
I also promised that during lent i would do my best to update this neglected blog every other day. They may be short posts, but they'll be here.


And said...

I can give you some of my meals! I used to feed Mihee and also still trade with Nora. No pasta!! Actually I just made pasta...but I'll be happy to include you in some meat based dishes.

Evil said...

oooh, can i have some of your meals too? i'll trade you. i cook when i'm in new york.

And said...

Evil, I will send you some meals electronically! What would you like?

Evil said...

i (heart) andrea. she is so nice!