

Every year, when julie and brian fly back for christmas, the four of us try to get in some "kid time." The first year it consisted of a day in boston- shopping on newbury, walking through the garden, and grabbing lunch. More recently, it's involved going out to a few bars one night. This year (thanks to brian's canceled flight eventually getting him in at 5am christmas morning), we had limited free nights. Friday night we had tickets to the pops, saturday night was family bowling and dinner out, and sunday was julie's birthday. So we managed to get dropped off around 10:30pm after the pops. We hadn't picked a bar in advance, but i was thinking the beehive (or another bar with similar atmosphere) and didn't bother changing in the car like the boys. So when we ended up at the pour house (a dive bar on boylston), i was slightly overdressed in my silk top and pearls. We hung around there for a bit, then walked over to kings for some pool (we'd originally planned to bowl, but reconsidered when we realized we'd be doing the same thing the next night). I hadn't played pool in forever, and it showed! Julie, brian and i were beat (kevin referred to us as "debbie downers") so we took off around 1am and they made their way back to acton. Here are some pictures!





julie.and.kevin...looking tough.

1 comment:

portia said...

That's awesome. Siblings are the best!