

One snow day that leaves you stuck inside without anything to do can be a nice break. Two of them in a row= boredom. Sure, there are plenty of things i could be getting done- cleaning, organizing, exercising, wrapping presents. However, i've been putzing around all morning accomplishing little more than the 30 minutes i spent forcing myself to work on hanon and concone piano exercises. My poor left hand has lost considerable strength and speed, so i'm making a concerted effort to practice more. If i had money, i'd sign up for lessons! I just painted some swatches in the "blue room" which will still be called the blue room even when it's not blue anymore. I suppose if i get that painted today, i'll feel more productive. I also want to take the T downtown to see a movie or do some shopping, but don't know that the trek in the cold, wet snow will be worth it. Bah.


portia said...

If only wasn't in the midst of such a crappy work schedule I would have played with you!

stephanie said...

Next time! I did get the blue room primed and painted, so i feel like i accomplished something! It looks soooo much better!

And said...

Hey STeph-- well, I'm stuck in Boston until Tues morning. So if you want to get together tomorrow (Monday)....

stephanie said...

I'm working today. Boo!!!

Unknown said...

Two snow days restrict your freedom to escape boredom, but you painted your room a different color and feel better. Sounds like accomplishment and change are two Elements of Interest for you. I study boredom and I have a blog and I see you like to read blogs. How about checking out my blog for a few minutes ThePowerOfBoredom.com and see if you like anything there.
