

Lots of papers and finals over the past two weeks, but now i'm done, and have time to update this poor neglected blog. First matter of business is my cocktail party. It was one of the best nights i've had in a very long time. I had a total of 31 people, dressed "to the nines" (in portia's words) and the last people didn't leave until close to 1:30am. The battle field the next morning was impressive. 33 empty wine glasses (that were washed, thanks to lauren), plus an empty cabinet where the 12 drinking glasses used to live. Bottles of leftover wine? Zero. Empty bottles of vodka? Two. Pama? One. Seriously depleted rum and whiskey as well. Surprisingly, not much interest in the gin- which is my favorite! We had both fireplaces going and lots of food was eaten. The company could not have been better, and i was happy that my four groups of friends cohabited quite well for the evening. Here are some pictures to share...

Everyone in the kitchen before i convinced them to spread out.

Evil twin#1, nadine, me, andrea.

Portia, me, shirley, laura and jessica.

Eva, lauren, amie, aki, mallory and jessica.

Ben, rob and ed. They were talking about being 2/3 of the party, or something.



Nora said...

It was lots of fun! I want one of those pomegranate drinks right now! Nadine is a genius.

And said...

Those drinks were great! Everything was great! Steph can I get that curry dip recipe that you also use on teh chicken salad?