

I'm reading the book snow, by orhan pamuk. I won't lie...it's a little rough. Party because i only have three days to read it (since i refused to read anything other than school work through this past monday), partly because it has teeny tiny print and is over 400 pages, and partly because it's not pulling me in as much as i'd like. Bookclub number 2 meets tomorrow night, and since i can't commit to reading anything once the next semester has started, i'm even more committed to finishing this one so i don't join a new bookclub as the loser who doesn't read. I'll also be able to read the book for bookclub number 1 (the view from castle rock by alice munro) since we'll also meet before the new semester starts. Then i'll be back to being on reading hiatuses from both. The funny thing is that there's yet a 3rd bookclub that i was asked about, but it's still in the hypothetical stages. For some reason, a good number of my fellow graduate students (who apparently don't spend as much time reading school work as i do) were excited about starting our own bookclub. I turned them down flat- i can't keep up with one bookclub and i'm in two. A third would be a disaster. They did suggest that i could take on the roll of advisor, so if this gets up off the ground, maybe i'll hang out while they discuss. Right now though, i have to stop procrastinating and get back to snow.

1 comment:

dewitthenry said...

At least we agree about Charles Baxter's Feast of Love. I'd love to claim you as a reader for SAFE SUICIDE (see www.dewitthenry.com).