

...my 100th platelet donation!!!!!! I should have brought my camera and taken pictures to post, but didn't think of it until now. Maybe another time. It's crazy to look at all the scarring on my little veins and know that they've each been poked well over 100 times (with the many no tubes/no product days (when they miss or bruise the vein, or when there's no access pressure) along with regular blood tests). I've probably been stuck around 300 times all in all, though now that they use the new fancy trima machines, it's a one arm procedure instead of two. In my years of donating (my first official donation was 12 years ago, but was at a different hospital so doesn't count towards my 100), i've been successful in recruiting another donor exactly two times. The first was mandy, but that was 12 years ago, so almost doesn't count. The second was my sister- two years ago at thanksgiving. This is a sad number. They probably make fun of me behind my back for showing up alone all the time. I wonder if i could get more people to go if i said i'd count it as my christmas present. Hmmmm.


portia said...

great job steph!!

Nora said...

Steph, I'm so proud of you. You're a sweetheart. Keep up the good work. I hate hate hate hate having blood drawn but I'd think about it for you (and the kiddies). I'll probably do it with you for your xmas gift. Can I pick out the movie we watch?

Julie said...

I'll do it this year when I'm home for Christmas! It will count as part of your present!

kai said...

Wow - congrats!

I'm not sure how routine platelet donation would work into the intense cycling schedule... I know when I give blood, it throws the whole training thing right off (feel really sluggish for days - which is ironically how the entire 1st trimester felt). I usually fill the bag up in record time - I actually started timing myself and racing Ken (I always win). And I can't even donate right now because they wont let pregnant people donate blood (probably for good reason - I'm already in ultra-blood making mode).

I don't mind doing it - maybe next year, if you'll watch the kid (or if my mom can watch the kid), I'll be happy to join you for as an xmas gift. not that we do gifts, but thats not the point. Needles don't bother me & the sight of blood is more interesting than anything else... I gave some 5 - 7 vials at my first prenatal, and the nurse left the room with them sitting on the counter - I was fascinated.

Am I any less guilty if I say I've raised some $15,000 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute?

You know what might help? some sort of a description of what happens when you donate platelets. How it works, what to expect, how long it takes, what the steps are, etc... might make it less scary for the less-inclined.

Kira said...

Congratulations, Steph!