

The front of the house was a little sad looking. Originally, it had mass quantities of overgrown bushes, but i chopped all those down years ago. We threw some grass seed down to cover the bald spots, and that was it. No garden, no trees, no plants...just grass. While i'm great with deconstructing, i'm not the best at gardening. So today i called in the best gardener i know- my mom. She showed up with my brother in tow and the three of us dug a whole new garden and planted about 80 bulbs along with some irises, some kind of sage, and some tall grasses my mom dug out of her garden. It already looks so much better- i can't wait until the spring when things actually start to bloom.
After three hours of digging and planting, they took off and i went down to the basement to start cleaning out the room with the treadmill. It once was an exercise room, but has since been filled with tools, costco purchases, wine, and other random junk. Since i'm recommitting myself to exercise (oh yes, after that pathetic no-win challenge with evil, i'm now up on the horse with a full cardio/weights schedule thanks to my recent visitor), i needed to make sure i had a good place to do it. Four hours later i emerged, grungy and tired, but with a well organized place to work out in. So while i didn't technically exercise today (aside from some brief ab work), i spent 7 hours gardening and cleaning. That's acceptable for now. Tomorrow i'll start my regular routine.

1 comment:

Nora said...

WOW! Steph you rock.