

My normal job (for the summer at least) is hanging out with two kids who live 25 miles away. This situation has worked out well since i'll be starting school in three weeks and so will the kids. This week, they're on vacation. I found out about this last wednesday, so it was a nice surprise in the middle of a crappy week. I planned to take it easy- unpack, run some errands i'd promised a. i'd do, go to the pool- just enjoy the time quietly. When it came down to it, i realized that the last thing i was mentally prepared to do was hang out in the house alone. I'd already promised my tuesday/friday family that i'd help them organize and pack for the day on sunday, and monday, tuesday and wednesday nights (they're moving too, but just in the area, not out of the country). So after spending saturday by myself, i was looking forward to some company. We made huge progress for the 7 hours i was there, but with so much to do in such little time, i went back today- for eleven hours. Tomorrow will be about the same, and probably wednesday too. On thursday i'm keeping my london friend company on her drive to the cape (to check out houses) and friday i have some appts set up. I also just finished dog sitting for one neighbor and am now cat sitting for another (earl- the coolest cat you'll ever meet). So what started as a week off has turned into a week where i'm busier than i normally would be if i was working. It's all great stuff though, and i'm happy to have this time to catch up with people i don't get to see much anymore.

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