

I bought myself some earrings today. They were a 30th birthday gift to myself- one i'd been contemplating for some time now. I'm very particular about my jewelry, especially earrings, and won't wear just anything. It has to be special and something i love to make it into my regular rotation (and no yellow gold, please). I hadn't bought them before now because i couldn't justify spending the money when i'm about to start school. Technically this should still be the case, but i worked double time this week and made some money i hadn't been planning on. That coupled with tax free weekend convinced me to spend some of the extra on something that will always be special to me. The ones i really wanted were $1075- a price i couldn't justify no matter how hard i'd like to- but i found these soon after and fell in love. White gold with little diamonds. They're just perfect. The only downside is that i can't easily see them. I guess i'll be walking past extra mirrors for a while.

1 comment:

And said...

These are really pretty. I think I will have to get myself a birthday present of a new computer. Argh.