

Yesterday, after dropping et#1 back at her place all safe and sound (we were picking up a variety of farm share veggies nora so kindly shared), i passed this car. I'm not good with recognizing makes/models of anything outside the usual vw, ford, etc. so i have no clue what this one was, but it was pimped out. Black, tinted windows, low to the ground in the front, but high off the ground in the back, kind of retro but cool looking. This car was sweet (if you're into retro cars). The driver knew it, and gunned the engine at every opportunity. He got one such opportunity as my lane slowed down for a turning car. His lane kept moving, and he zipped right past me. I almost missed the best part- his license plate, which read "BADGUY." Maybe he was a dealer. Or maybe he was just looking the part.

1 comment:

kai said...

in Vegas, I saw a couple of retro cars like this. I even saw two with hydraulics that hopped. I was very careful not to tailgate them.