

It wasn't fabulous, but not a total bust either. It rained for the entire day, so i was stuck inside for many hours at a time. I started off eating well, had a brief setback mid day with some annie's mac and cheese and a few animal crackers, and finished strong with roasted chicken and cauliflower for dinner. I'm staying at my parents' twice a week in order to cut down on my gas usage (i'm working 5 miles from their house this summer) and tonight is one of those nights. Not having my regular running route mixed things up and forced me to lap their neighborhood four times. It's a little over a half mile each loop, so my total was only about 2.5 miles this time. They live at the top of a hill, so i was always ending on an uphill run which burned a few more calories. It also made my knee happier. It's really become an issue, and the incline helped out on that front. Tomorrow i'm hoping to buckle down on the food front, and make a trip to the grocery store and the local farm for some good meat and produce. I'm also looking at my old tae bo videos (yes, you guessed right- vhs tapes) that are sitting in my sister's room. Maybe if i get up early enough tomorrow, i'll add them in for some stretching and strengthening. Billy blanks! Billy blanks!


Evil said...

i had three glasses of wine tonight. that's like 600 calories or something, right?

Evil said...

my weight loss methods are unorthodox, but they work!!!

And said...

I'm going with steph here...

stephanie said...

Hey, whatever works!
I don't do any of those weird diets- all protein, all veggies, whatever. I know enough about food to know what i should be eating, it's just a matter of doing it. I have to start keeping track of it on fitday (along with my weight which i already do) because that makes a huge difference in my eating habits. But it's hard to keep such close track of everything i put in my mouth.