

For two occasions. The first was my mom's graduation ceremony. She's taught 5th grade for many years, and decided to go back to school for her masters. Now she's even more equipped to deal with those rascals! Congratulations mom! We're all very proud of you.
The second reason for dressing up was the 50th anniversary celebration of the boston youth symphony orchestra. Because it was such a big milestone for them, they even had a special guest play. No, not me (though i know that's what you were all thinking...), but yo yo ma! He was unbelievable and i'm so glad i was able to see him in person. As is usually the case after attending the symphony, i've recommitted to taking violin (or viola, or cello) lessons in the next ten years. It's obviously not practical now, but hopefully it will be some day. Maybe i'll meet someone who wants to teach me for free or something.
Dressing up today was even more fun because it was warm enough to get away with short sleeves. I had a new shirt i was excited to wear, and entered my closet thinking i'd pair it with heels and white pants (i don't adhere to that memorial day nonsense). Once i got there, i came across a skirt i'd bought a couple years ago and had yet to wear. There were two reasons for that, the first being that it didn't fit when i originally bought it (super on sale at oilily- from $192 to $14.99!!), the other being that the coloring was tricky and i didn't have a shirt to wear with it. It fits now, and low and behold, the new shirt was a perfect match. Everything was working out splendidly (my shoes even worked), yet i had one glitch in the perfect outfit plan. I hate shaving my legs. So much so, that for the past three years, i've become a religious waxer. Some people may think this is the worst way to go (how much fun can it be to rip little hairs out of your skin?) but for me it's been a godsend. It lasts a lot longer, less hair grows back, and i save an average of 3.5 hours/month not to mention the wasted water. Unfortunately, my schedule being what it was today, there was absolutely no way i had an hour to wax my legs, and it was due. I bit the bullet and shaved. It was horrible. I cut myself three times (armpits don't have bony nubs), and my legs are nowhere near as smooth as they are after waxing. It did allow me to wear my new outfit, and that's really what was important today. Hopefully this won't set my hair growth back at start.

1 comment:

Julie said...

That's funny that you just started wearing short sleeves. I keep saying that I'm going to have to back to Boston for the summer because it's so hot here, we're talking 100's already. I'm trying to find ways to wear as little clothing as possible while still being appropriate. It's pretty tricky.