

Yesterday was earthfest and it was fantastic. Andrea and i did the haymarket/mike's pastry trip first where we bought a limited supply of fruits and veggies, including baguette, tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. Then we walked to the hatchshell to claim our little spot of grass. We did the free sample rounds and returned with drinks (energy, chocolate milk, juice), cheese, yogurts, bars, chips, and potted plants (cinnamon basil, st. john's wart, catnip, lemon balm, pansies and impatiens). Andrea laid out most of her treats in an orderly fashion. Et#1 met us soon after, and joined us in playing a round of rummy 500. Then we continued our yahtzee tournament (one game left to go) while we listened to the help (a local band that my brother's friend is in), the bodeans, the english beat, cracker and cake. The crowd was big, but well behaved (unlike a few years back) and the weather perfect. All in all, it made for a great day.


Nora said...

funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. soul called me and told me he's excited for catnip.

And said...

whhhaaaaattt? That cat is not getting any catnip! He's trying to align you on his side. He is sneaky. He needs to get in shape! He needs the Wii Fit!