

It's a good thing monday was a holiday for us bostonians because i needed most of the morning to rest up. Sunday was a rough night. While i can't go into details here, most of you know why this summer's probably going to suck for me. Talking about that, coupled with the school thing (still haven't heard about an interview), started me off on the wrong foot. Add a wine tasting with dinner, and it's bad news. To spare you all the details, let's just say i walked home, took a 30 min shower, and didn't get out of bed until 11:30 the next morning. And accidentally e-mailed andrea's old boyfriend. Whoops. I was at the point where i thought i was out of luck with school since i'd yet to hear from them (they said they'd contact us within the first few weeks of april- so by a week or so ago), and was putting off sending an e-mail to see if they'd already selected the interview-ees. Somehow it was easier not to know rather than know i wasn't selected. I'd also pretty much stopped watching tv since the writers strike really added to my stress. I'm a planner, and not even being able to plan on watching a tv show made my life feel way too up in the air. However, today bought me another week of relaxation on the school front when the cls at mgh met with one of the admissions faculty members who confirmed that they've yet to make any decisions on the interview-ees. She put in a few more good words for me, so my confidence level is back up a bit. I expect this to last no more than another week, so hopefully i'll hear from them before that. Then if i can just figure out the new tv schedule, i'll feel like i have a bit of a handle on my life. Sorry g.


And said...

Oh Steph, I really know *exactly* how you feel. We should plan a breakdown together :)

Nora said...

Ahhh breakdowns. What a part of life. But it makes the good times better! Fo' sho'

Evil said...

just play more guitar hero and crank up the volume til your ears bleed and forget about your worries. and/or drink yourself into a hole, like i do. or you can have evil twin #2 come over to play rock band. that's always a nice pick-me-up.

stephanie said...

I just played guitar hero, and beat another level (i think 3- the one with "my name is jonas") on hard. That helped a little. As for drinking myself into a hole, that's what happened sunday night, and the results were less than desirable. I cringe thinking about it.

Julie said...

I feel like we're in similar situations right now, although clearly at different times in our lives. We're both stressed and don't know what's coming next. As for drinking ourselves into a hole, I also did that...it must run in the family. It made for a really rough day, one that happened to be when I picked Mom and Dad up from the airport at 7:15PM, still hungover and very much miserable.

stephanie said...

Ouch- 7:15 and still hungover. I can't say that's ever happened to me. I'm usually good by 1pm at the latest (after a slice of pizza or cheeseburger happy meal).
I think you should come back to boston- especially if the move happens. You could live with me too!