

I like...
..that my dad still uses the same keychain i bought him over twenty years ago. I found it at a rest stop while on a family road trip as a kid. It was the first (and likely last) time i'd seen something with his name on it, so i borrowed $3.50 from my mom and bought it for his birthday present. Once gold, it's now mostly silver, but the black lettering of his name seems to have survived surprisingly well.

I dislike...
..piano music in keys with sharps. Flats are fine, and even the keys of g and d (which have one and two sharps respectively) are okay. Once you add more than two sharps, i get all messed up, and invariably play them as flats the first few times. I'm not sure why this is the case (especially considering my last name), but it's been this way as long as i can remember.

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