

And it smells nice. 64 deg and sunny. I'm not working until 2, so went out for a run. I took the 4 mile route that i used to run all the time, but haven't done in a while. I even had new music to listen to on my ipod! I did get a little sunburn on my forehead since my hair was all pulled back.
Tomorrow's the 17th, which means it'll be exactly two months until my 30th birthday. After watching the biggest loser finale on tivo, i've decided to try out my own two month competition. When i run, i eat healthy, so as long as i can set up a running schedule and stick to it, i should be good. If anyone else wants to do it with me, that would be great- i do well with competition.


kai said...

any chance we could run virtually (compare mileage, etc)? I need to start running, and for some reason while reading your post it occurred to me that "DUH" I can run at the park now with my ipod again - it should be more or less mud free. I can't run on the road with the ipod out here - I have to listen for the crazy cars on these narrow country roads. But trail running is a different story.

Do I remember you have the nike+ thing? we should be able to "battle" on line.

And said...

I think I can "compete" STeph. Things are calming down a bit for me so hopefully I can make more of a commitment and last week I also went for a 4 mile loup run outside around the Pond.

Evil said...

here is a practical suggestion... do NOT get yourself into better shape before your 30th birthday. because after you hit 30, you'll just be like... "well, it was all downhill from there." what you SHOULD do is use the next 2 months to get yourself into BAD shape. and then once you turn 30, do the 2 month intensive workout then. that way, you can be like... "man, i'm in better shape in my 30s than i was in my 20s."

stephanie said...

I do have the nike chip. I've done a ton of challanges with my sister in the past, but none recently since i've been slacking. Send me your nike+ name and i'll send you an invite, but probably not for another week since i'm still sore from my weds run.

stephanie said...

And- we should do the svelting challange again. I liked that. Maybe your sister will move here and we can all meet up for rewards, etc!

stephanie said...

I get your thinking evil, but my thinking is that i want to start my 30's in better shape than i was in my 20's. Plus, i do well with time specific goals (especailly when they're for a specific thing- my birthday in this case). If it were just a two month period with a regular day for an end date, it wouldn't go so well.

Evil said...

yeah, that's a good point.

on a related topic... you know what's tricky? wedding days. here's the thing... i see so many women who bust their ass to get into GREAT shape for their wedding day. and then tons of pics are taken on the wedding day. and after the wedding, their physique invariably go downhill. it's impossible to maintain their wedding day level. some women nearly starve themselves and/or work out like maniacs.

that's tricky because you obviously want to look good on your wedding day. but then afterwards, when you look back at the pics, you and everyone else will be like... "ouch, you really went downhill since the wedding."