

I've had a busy social life recently- thursday at a bar with 30 year olds, friday at a bar with a bunch of lesbians (which made it difficult to pick up boys), and tonight at a bar with a bunch of 21 year olds (where i wouldn't want to pick up boys anyway). Evil twin #1 called yesterday to see if i'd be up for trivia night- something she's great at, and i'm not so great at. She's "slightly" competitive, so i made sure to tell her my trivia skills weren't so sharp, but she was happy to have me along, for moral support if nothing else. I'd never actually been to trivia night, and always pictured it as much dorkier than it really was. It was a blast! We ended up at a bar in between bu and bc, so our fellow trivia players (of which there were many- 45 teams total, with a maximum number of 6/team) looked like my little brother's friends. I definitely felt old. We did fairly well considering our team had only two players, both of whom were girls This created issues when a large quantity of the questions were sports related. Not current sports either, but 1990's sports- the decade before i started paying attention to baseball. So, out of 45 teams, we came in 7th. Not good enough to please et#1, but good enough to satisfy me on my first trivia night ever.

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