

I've been requested to gather opinions from all you loyal readers (especially the male ones among you). A friend of mine recently met a nice fellow, and they had an entertaining discussion that night. While the conversation was fine, she didn't feel any chemistry- he wasn't really her type. However, the guy e-mailed and asked if she wanted to meet up (for a casual day thing). She's ambivalent. I said she should give it a shot- maybe she'll find out she's really attracted to his personality, and that will make him more attractive as a whole. She's worried about giving him false hope since he's clearly more into her than she is into him. Also good to know- she'll probably see him from time to time regardless, so it would be good to leave things non-awkward. What do you think?


Evil said...

she should dump that tool and also make sure he knows what a bore he is. it's a rough world out there!!!

Nora said...

I just think it's hard to fake chemistry. I feel it's there or it isn't. BUT MAYBE I'M WRONG!

stephanie said...

Evil, evil, evil...I'm worried for you. He wasn't a bore- that's the point. She wasn't physically attracted to him, but the conversation was great. Plus, she's not dating him yet- so no dumping is necessary. I just think that some times you have to look past the physical aspects and give it a shot. Who knows- maybe he's the perfect match for her??

evil twin #2 said...

My suggestion is for her to suggest another group activity rather than a one-on-one day thing. That way if things are not going so well there are other people around who can rescue her. She should give him another shot and by suggesting a group outing, i think it conveys to him that she is not as "into" him as he is into her. Hedging your bets isn't always a bad thing...

stephanie said...

ET#2- brilliant idea. Unfortunately, it wasn't quick enough, and she's already committed to a one-on-one date tomorrow. It'll be casual, and she has plans soon after, so that will serve as her escape if necessary. If anything, it will be good practice. I'll get an update from her and get back to you all.

Nora said...

Updates Steph?????????