

I've been freezing cold recently. I'm not sure what's up. Last night, jen and I went for our run around the reservoir, and I didn't bring a fleece. I was wearing running pants and a t-shirt, and I was so cold (even when running) that I didn't really sweat. I took a hot shower, put on a long-sleeved shirt, pj/sweat pants, socks, added two blankets (one was a quilt) on top of my feather duvet and sheets, and was still shivering. By the time I woke up, it wasn't as bad, but I still decided to dress warm, and grabbed a cable knit sweater, jeans, and a t-shirt. Once I was outside I started to think that I'd overdressed, but a little later my hands were freezing and I was glad for the extra layers. My hands are cold as I type this. What am I going to do once it's legitimately cold out, and not just 65 degrees cold?

1 comment:

kai said...

you'll acclimate.

I'm cold too, for what its worth. But I've also got some sort of cold/flu. But I've been cold for a while. Anything under 80 is cold for me now.

I used to be a 40 degrees = shorts kind of person. Oh well.