

I learned some new things about taking the bus today:

  1. If you sit in one of the first four seats, you'll have an old person for a seat buddy. They'll smell like something; if you're lucky, it's peppermint and moth balls. If you're unlucky, it's old person b.o.
  2. The older folks on the bus don't have a sense of personal space, and will lean right into you. The younger crowd makes sure to keep any physical contact to a minimum.
  3. If you take the bus on a weekday between 2:30 and 4pm, there will be a bunch of high school kids. Depending on which bus you're on, they're either punks, or the good studious type.
  4. Most of the drivers are really nice, especially if you say hello when you embark and thank you when you disembark. They're not servants, and like to be treated with respect.
  5. If you've waited twenty minutes for one bus, and it's not coming, walk up the street for another line. You're guaranteed that the first bus will come right along, and the second one will be another five minutes.

There you go. Bus riding lesson number one.

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