

I know I promised apartment pictures a while ago, but nora, andrea and et#1 were coming over tonight, and I thought I owed it to them to see the place first hand before showing everyone pictures. They saw it and liked it (so they say), so now I'm posting them for the rest of you to check out. There's a lot more where these came from on flickr. Feel free to browse, and keep in mind that it's not done yet. Still some futon recovering, taking trash out, hanging pictures up, etc to be done. So don't judge harshly. Here we have my bedroom, the living room, kitchen, and porch (with the beautiful plant my mom got us as a housewarming gift!) I'll do a separate post with the dining room table photos. I want to get some my mom took of the process first.


Nora said...

When you recover the futon, I want to come over and to help make more pillows to match the living room! And other crafty things.

stephanie said...

Absolutely! Which reminds me. I still have to move my sewing machine!
(Aren't you glad that I made you sign-up so you can comment? You're doing a great job with it!!)

And said...

you should think about contributing your projects to the greater blogosphere!

stephanie said...

Brilliant. I'll gather my pictures and send them on in!