

Busy weekend. I'm changing the posting dates on the entries so they'll be on the dates they occurred, but I definitely didn't write them until today (monday). First up is friday night. We went to a cocktail/rehearsal party at ruth's chris. Fabulous time. Barry informed me that my drink of choice, a vodka tonic, is not actually the grown-up drink I'd thought it was, but is in fact a 21 year olds attempt at a grown-up drink. Apparently a grown-up drink needs whiskey or gin. Since I'm twenty-nine, and don't want to be viewed as twenty-one, I needed to step it up. I did a whiskey shot with jessie, and it was apparently good whiskey, because it didn't taste as vile as I'd experienced before. I suppose the vodka tonics I'd already had could have helped out. Regardless, I wasn't driving home (thanks for the ride barry!) so I wasn't too concerned. At the top is the group of us (tishka, amy, erin, jessie, nora, me, and riley- the flower girl- up front), and at the bottom is me, jessie and nora at the end of the night. Ahhhhh...good times.

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