

I was playing around on flickr to see if there was any way to import my photostream into my blog (I don't think there is) and I checked out the popularity section for fun. It organizes your photos by popularity within four categories- views, favorites (people can "favorite" one of your pictures, and this organizes them according to the most "favorited" first), comments (obviously the ones with the most comments would be at the top here), and finally, interestingness. I don't get this one. How can flickr tell which of my 935 photos are the most interesting. It looks like it takes in account how many times a picture's been "favorited," but that's it. Some of the ones at the top haven't even been viewed yet, while ones below them have been viewed a ton. Someone, please enlighten me here.


brian said...

I think it's some combination of views, comments, being marked as a favorite, and maybe notes. I think the idea is that each of those is a more or less significant contributor (a view makes it marginally more interesting, a comment more so, and being a favorite makes it significantly more so.)

It definitely only works if your photostream gets viewed quite a bit. I assume it's only really meaningful for the streams of photographers who get hundreds or thousands of views of each photo. Certainly it's never been very meaningful for my photos.

And said...

Hey-- you can make a "badge" http://www.flickr.com/badge.gne

stephanie said...

Thanks And! It's in already!