

I went camping this weekend with ben. We went to mt. monadnock state park in jaffrey, nh. The last time I did this hike was about five years ago. Mandy and I had gone up there for an overnight, and had hiked up to within 30 mins of the top when it started raining. We tried to wait it out in hopes of continuing up, but people started coming down and telling us how slippery it was. We hung our heads in defeat, and went back to the campground where we realized we couldn't cook without a fire, so had to go to friendly's. It was a sad time in my life. This weekend I knew would be better, and it was. Despite starting out with a bunch of rain, we managed to set up our tents, and set off for the top of monadnock. A minute later, I saw the scale hanging behind me. I weighed my pack, and it weighed ten pounds. Climbing was rough. No matter how well I do on the challenging blue hills route, this was ten times harder. I was sweating like a bullet by the time we finished. While there was no rain, it was super humid and foggy, as evidenced by the great view we have down there at the top. The temperature dropped at least 20 degrees, as soon as we left the timber line, and the wind picked up to hurricane speed. We ate some snacks, and let my pants dry out a little. We got back to camp, made the foil packets (hamburger, onion, carrots, and potato wrapped in tin foil and cooked under coals) and were eating them when it started to rain again. Since we hadn't eaten our s'mores yet, we covered ourselves with a tarp, and finished them off. After some lively games of cards, we went our separate ways, and slept like rocks. Another benefit of hiking!

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