

Today I took the girls to a playground in watertown. They like it because it has both a regular park area and a water spray area as well. I like it because it's close to target, so I can make a quick shopping trip before or after the park. Today I picked up a tarp and bungee cords for camping. We got to the park right as the water was at lunch (it's turned off from 1-2pm everyday- to save money? Who knows.) so they played on the swings and climbing things first. Right at 2pm, we went back to the water area, and had a full three minutes of peaceful playtime before about thirty fourth graders came racing in, running through the sprayers in their jeans, socks, tie died t-shirts and fresh mouths. It was crazy to say the least. There were three "teachers" supervising, and I gave them dirty looks as some kids knocked over a cute little 18mth old girl. That's when I noticed that the lone male teacher was sporting a blue terry cloth bathrobe. That was odd enough, but a minute later, he removed said bathrobe to reveal the tiniest tiny bathing suit- the closest thing to a speedo without actually being a speedo. I threw-up a little in my mouth. He ran through the sprayers for about five minutes before returning to his bathrobe. It was really quite creepy. He really should have stopped at target and picked up a pair of bermuda short trunks.

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