

Today is *ba's* birthday. He's the big twenty-ten! *ja* and I sent him a party in two boxes. Mine had the cake, candles, and sparklers, and hers had the hat, banner, etc. I think we made his day. This was the second time I mailed a cake to someone. The first time was a couple of years ago- I mailed an unfrosted cake and a container of frosting to my little brother for his birthday. It got there in good shape, so I decided to give it another go. This time, I wanted to frost it ahead of time, so I made my own from cream and confectionery sugar. It was a similar recipe to that which I use for christmas cookies, so I thought it would harden enough to wrap up and ship. After frosting the whole thing, I realized my mistake. This recipe was largely made of cream, while the cookie recipe uses mostly butter and sugar, with just enough cream to make it smooth. The frosted cake wasn't hardening at all. It was nice and fluffy and whipped, like we'd normally want it. So *ja* scraped the entire thing down while I mixed up another batch of frosting, this time the right kind. We frosted it a second time, then cut ourselves each a piece before wrapping it up and sending it to him. He came home today to find the two boxes sitting on top of each other. Everything arrived in perfect shape, and we all ate some cake tonight- each of us sitting in our own homes. Who's birthday is next?

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