

Right now, in the big apple, my friend *mk* is celebrating her birthday and the birthday's of three of her friends who were also born in april. (Happy birthday everyone!) I want to be there. They had the goal of getting 250 people to show up at the bar- a number that a friend reached for his birthday party alone. You'd think that the four of them would have a much better chance of succeeding assuming they all have a diverse group of friends, but *mk* had her doubts. I'm curious to see how it goes. I marked off the "maybe" box on the evite. While I really wanted to go (and meet the folks I feel like I know, but have yet to meet), I knew that it was rather unlikely. Not only did my most recent car repair put a strain on my "extra" cash, but neither *nn* nor *ac* were going to be able to make the trip from boston to ny, and I wasn't thrilled about taking the china town bus and footing the hotel bill by myself. So now I'm sitting at home writing this entry while 250 people are having a blast in a nyc bar with plans to shut the place down at 4am. Pros? I guess I'm not drinking all those carbs and empty calories that they, no doubt, will enjoy.

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