

After being out of the house for ten years, my parents are finally doing away with my room. They're combining their room and the current computer room to make a fabulous master suite, and since my room is the smallest of the other rooms, (coupled with the fact that out of the four kids, I sleep there the least (two nights/year at christmas time)) they're hijacking it for the new computer room. Today I drove out there to go through some stuff I still had in the closet. It was mostly crap- tons, and tons of photos- but I came across one treasure. These guys are going to change my life!


kai said...

yea... I can see how that might change your life... "you'll shoot your eye out, kid"

i have always had devil stick envy. I have it now. not as strong, but its there...

And said...

so what did you find that changed your life?

stephanie said...

Click on the link, and you'll see!!