

I've been having weird dreams recently. I wake up, and I feel like I never slept. Most of them I don't really remember- I'll just get little glimpses during the day- but one I had a few nights ago is still pretty clear.

I was in a bedroom with two or three twin sized beds. I think it was a kids room, but I can't be sure. The room was very long and L shaped, and the beds were spread out a bit. There were several pillows on each bed. There was some sort of bad spirit or something that kept hassling me. It seemed like he was a person who died, and stayed in the room haunting whoever happened to be there. I tried to get rid of him, but he'd keep coming back. I finally found him wrapped in a white sheet in front of a pillow on one of the beds. It was a stuffed squirrel. I yelled at it, grabbed a pencil from the desk, and stabbed the bottom side of the squirrel. I ripped the fabric back and it was full of both stuffing and those little plastic beans. I made sure not to drop any beans since that would keep the bad spirit in the room. Then I opened a window and threw the whole thing outside. It amazes me how terrified I was of this thing. I woke up with a racing heartbeat and covered in sweat. Even though I knew it was a dream I was still scared to death. Weird.

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