

I finally had my appointment with the orthopedic guy down at mgh today. It was at 8am. I wasn't aware that real doctors even had appts that early. Regardless...I needed to check out what building this guy was in, so I looked his name up online, and clicked on the first link. I don't know what I was expecting. Apparently a guy in his late 50's with a bad haircut or who was balding, maybe a little round in the middle who, while pleasant, was definitely not going to be someone I'd think was cool. The first clue into my misconception was the picture that popped up. Hmmm...definitely not old, tubby and bald. He's on the younger side, and pretty good-looking. So I make my way downtown, fill out the pile of forms they need, and get in to see the nurse practitioner. She was cool. She asked the normal questions ("did you injure it in any way? Does it hurt here?") and then went off to get the dr. This guy was great! Not only was he cute, but he was super friendly (or just really good at pretending). After moving my arm around, hearing the click noise it was making, and poking it a bit, he diagnosed the problem as tendonitis. He gave me a cortisone shot, some prescription pills, and told me not to miss switzerland on our europe trek because apparently switzerland's the best. Good to know. Now my shoulder should be set to carry a 30 lb backpack for a month, and the pills will keep my feet from swelling up while I'm doing it.

*b*- in case you don't click on the link, this guy's not only a sports medicine guy, but a shoulder specialist as well. Nice.


Anonymous said...

these days, it's so hard to tell who's a real doctor and who's not. for example, a lot of people fell for this guy's act.

stephanie said...

Ya- that's pretty messed up. Even if I was 99% sure the guy was really a doctor, there's NO WAY I'd let him just stop by my house to give me a breast exam. The people who did are somewhat to blame too!

Anonymous said...

Ortho is a really competitive field to get into-- many of the newer doctors are really smart and totally with it. BTW-- my most recent MD appt. was at 7:30 am!