

Today I went rollerblading with *tm*. It had been a while, but came back quickly. A few summers back, *ac*, *mc* and I would meet up and rollerblade on the esplanade every other week or so. We brought fancy picnic dinners (once with brown bagged wine!) and would enjoy the great views, weather, and people watching as we ate. Then*mc* moved to san diego, and while *ac* and I tried to keep at it, we met less and less until it just wasn't happening at all. I starting bringing *e* when she was little to millennium park, and would throw her in the jogging stroller while I bladed around the loop. The sad thing was that I started to get overly reliant on those handle bars, and then was a bit less steady when I tried to go without her. Back to today. We did four loops around the top of millennium which is about 2 miles. We probably would have done more, but we had to hike up to the top of the hill before we even started. (Note- millennium park is built on a landfill- thus the beautiful view and #1 kite flying area in town.) Normally you can just drive all the way to the top and put on your rollerblades from there, but today just happened to be "hazardous waste drop off day" (you know...it used to be a landfill!) and there was an unbelievably long line of cars waiting to drop off their paint cans, etc for proper disposal. So we parked at the bottom of the hill and started our work-out hiking all the way up to the top. All-in-all, it was great to get back to blading, and I want to get a regular thing going now that it's nice out. Plus, I really miss that brown-bagged wine. Let me know who's in!

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