

On monday, it was sunny. I decided to go for a run outside instead of sticking with the gym. I took my normal route- down to the beach, run up and down the stairs three times, cut through stanley main street, and walk up the hills. This day, i got to the point where i usually turn around, but it was so nice out, so i decided to continue down another road before heading home. It quickly became very narrow and the sidewalks disappeared, but i kept going. The view was unbelievable. If i'd brought my camera, i'd post pictures. Instead, here's a map that shows my route. Needless to say, with all my breaks to appreciate the views, it took me much longer than i'd anticipated. By the time i managed to crawl home, i was super parched and sweaty. I was so sweaty i could feel the salt on my face. Gross. I chugged some water, threw on my bathing suit, and went for a quick swim.
By monday evening, i was already paying for my unplanned hours in the sun. I had a pretty decent sunburn both from the run and the swim (even though it was a short one). Tuesday was another beautiful day, but i was forced to spend it at the ifc mall- wearing pants and watching a movie. I'm already starting to peel- hopefull i'll have recovered by the time i head out for malaysia, cambodia, and thailand on monday!

View Stanley run in a larger map


portia said...

Wow, good for you! Sorry about the sunburn though. I can't wait to read your posts about your next adventures!

Nora said...

You're doing great working out on vacation. I'm impressed. It's sounds beautiful there. Go Steph!

stephanie said...

Thanks! It's really more to offset P's fantastic cooking though! Hopefully once I get back and I'm not eating super tasty food all the time, I'll keep it up and actually make some progress!