

I should preface this entry by mentioning that i have an overly sensitive nose. Even when i was a kid, i could tell when an aunt was over because i could smell her perfume....from the opposite end of the house, and on different floors. People used to tell me that i should be a professional smeller, but alas, this talent has gone largely unused. It does come in handy from time to time, though i haven't practiced my identification abilities as much as the actual smelling ones. Anyway..
I've been in hong kong for a while now- almost 7 weeks. During this time, i've smelt lots of things. One thing in particular that really turns my stomach is the smell of asian men's sweat. Not b.o., but a slightly sweet/vinegary smell that's purely from the sweat glands. I don't know if this is a universal asian male thing, or if it has to do with the climate, food eaten, etc. Does anyone have any input? I'm wondering if this is something that other people pick up on, or if it's just due to my oversensitive nose. Thank you.


Louie Monkey-Pest said...

So tell me, how many Asian men have you gone up and smelled? How do you do it? A hug as a pretext and then plant your nose by their armpit?

stephanie said...

Welcome back Louie! I was just thinking about you a day or two ago.
To answer your question, as stated, my nose is VERY sensitive. This means I don't have to get very close to someone to smell their sweat. Also, the sweet/vinegar smell is not focused around their armpits (as BO would be), but is more and overall scent coming from their entire body. I first noticed this smell while riding a bus. Two asian guys came up to the top level and sat in front of me, and the smell was stuck in my nostrils for the entire ride. Another specific example was when we were having furniture delivered. Two asian guys were carrying heavy stuff up the stairs, and I was helping them get something over a railing. That's when it was the strongest, but I could also smell it without being so close.

Evil Twin #1 said...

I asked my mom this morning. She said it is the food and an aversion to bathing. She said Asian people have no natural odor so what ever they eat, they smell like. Then if they do not bathe those scents ferment into something sour. When she first met my dad he used to smell of garlic, but she managed to wean him off of that and into better smelling foods.

I find this answer highly unscientific, but apparently she has given it some thought, so I am passing it on to you.

stephanie said...

Thanks et#1! This makes sense since I never noticed it in the states. I think it also has to do with the heat and humidity level- even if you shower all the time, the sweat's just pulled out of you! I'm sure i have a pretty great sweat (again, not bo) smell of my own over here!

KillerB said...

My first instinct was food too. I think this has more effect on people's smell than we sometimes realize. Though, it's a wonder I don't smell like a cheeseburger (or do I?)