

It's getting down to the wire, and surprisingly, i'm pretty ready. I started organizing myself last weekend- typed up my word check sheet, pulled out all my packing stuff, figured out what i needed to pick up, etc. I worked a ton this week, but managed to start making piles and pick up sunscreen, bugspray, ranch dressing, and other last minute things. Yesterday and today were set aside for laundry, errands, and hardcore packing. So, sat morning i was up early and pulled an energizer bunny. Since i didn't have time to just hang out, i dragged eva with me while i printed pictures and dropped off a mother's day present to t's mom. As a nice treat after a full day of stuff, we got pedicures at my favorite nail place. Earlier in the week, i'd mentioned to jen that i wanted to get one, but didn't want to spend the money before taking vacation. I came home late friday night to find a birthday card with a pedicure gift certificate- since i'll be gone for my birthday, she surprised me with it now. So nice!




Nora said...

HAVE FUN. will miss you!

KillerB said...

ranch dressing? you're hardcore.

stephanie said...

Not just any old ranch dressing, but ranch dressing from COSTCO! (aka two 80 oz. bottles). The hong kong kids call it "dip" and eat craploads of raw veggies when they can dip them in this stuff.

portia said...

Safe travels Steph!

Shirley said...

I hope you got my text late night!! Have fun, be safe, do everything you can and can't wait to hear all the stories when you get back!

stephanie said...

Thanks:) I did get your text Shirl- thanks! I got here safely (but am exhausted) and am currently waiting for my luggage to be dropped of so I can go to sleep!