

I almost forgot about my vaccination appointment today. I remembered at 10:40 that i had a 10:30 time slot. Luckily, i was headed to the mgh travel clinic which is conveniently located in the same building where i was sitting. Everyone else was running late, so i wasn't shot or kicked out. I was expecting to see a nurse who would take 5 minutes and stick a few needles in my arm. Instead, i met with the doctor who spent a full half hour going over everything with me. He covered the obvious stuff- no un-bottled water, no fruit unless i peeled it myself, etc, but he also pointed out some stuff i didn't think of- no fruity drinks (there goes that margarita i was planning to have on the beach), and bug spray with at least 25% deet at all times. I was impressed- totally worth the $25 copay. I got the hepatitis A shot and the typhoid vaccination pills. Next on the list are the malaria meds. I somehow ended up with an insurance plan that has a $200 deductible for regular pharmacy orders. I've managed to avoid this by getting all my meds through express-scripts in a three month supply. The doctor sent in my malaria prescription with the hopes that they'd approve it (though it's not a three month supply). If not, i get to cover three weeks worth of $8 per pill per day. Anyone have any extra malarone?


Evil said...

so many rules! so many rules! i say F it, steph. :) eat and drink whatever you want and however you want. maragarita on the beach? go for it! haha. what's what i would do. i traveled through india for 6 weeks and did not have one bad incident. also traveled through cambodia + loas for two weeks w/ no incidents. but then again, i have like an iron stomach. did your doctor prescribe a supply of cipro? i know lots of people who end up taking cipro to get rid of severe intestinal problems. you poor whities... hah!

portia said...

ugh what a drag... don't worry though it'll all be worth it in the end when you are having the time of your life gallivanting all over asia =)