

I'm about to head over to my friends' house for our annual oscar night. This will be year 11! While i've spent some time with them recently, many years we don't see each other at all, so it's nice to have a built in excuse to hang out. Usually i make a serious effort to see many of the nominated movies- at least all the best picture ones. This year was probably my worst year yet, having seen just two movies- slumdog millionaire and the reader. I caught slumdog a month or so ago with angela and eva, and squeaked the reader in yesterday with shirl. I'd intended to watch milk and/or doubt last night or today, but went out with eva last night (in an attempt to improve my non-existent social life) and worked on school stuff today. So i'll add them to my netflix list and catch up later. I did fill out a ballot, so we'll see how good i am at making predictions on movies i haven't seen!

1 comment:

Evil said...

you were right, i didnt really get 23 out of 24 right. :(