

Friday night was the first halloween i've spent alone in this house. Usually i'd cover the door while the girls went trick or treating, but never had the responsibility of buying candy and being around to get up and down everytime the bell rang. It was a little sad, but there are some cute kids in our neighborhood, and i was determined not to be the loser house with no decorations and crappy candy. So i stocked up at bj's (we get tons of kids), and bought two pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns. I was planning to build a fire and hang out with some reading after the kids finished, but eva called in the afternoon to see if i wanted to go out later. Fire or bar? I was leaning towards the fire, but told myself i needed to get out and about more, so i told her i'd take the 9:05 bus.
Because i didn't want to try and shower while kids were coming, i hopped in at 5:45, and threw my clothes on so i could answer the door. The first group of kids were probably between the ages of 3 and 6. There were 5 of them. One little girl asked me lots of questions, "Did i have kids?", "Did isabel (the cute 5yr old next door who thinks i'm cool) come over every day to keep me company?" They were all there long enough that the younger kids asked for more candy. As they were leaving, the chatty girl looked at me and said, "you're pretty. I mean, you're beautiful. You're very beautiful." I almost kissed her. Mind you, I was standing there with wet hair and no makeup. I think i might invite this kid over more often.
Over the next two hours i got plenty of exercise running up and down the stairs while i put makeup on and did my hair. I even painted my toenails since i had the time. Towards 8:30, as things slowed down and i got ready to turn the light off and leave, a group of three 8th gradeish girls showed up. One was dressed as a dead bride, and the other two looked pretty punky. They gave me sullen "trick-or-treats," i gave them their candy, and as they turned to walk away, the dead bride paused and said "i like your hairdo." Needless to say, i was in a great mood as i headed out for the night.


kai said...

isn't it funny when that happens (like with the dead bride)? I have this woven hat I wear - without fail every time I wear, some teenage girl will stare at me to the point where I am uncomfortable, and then at the last possible moment, she'll say "I really like your hat". Up until that compliment comes out, I'm just cringing inside, and then something nice comes out.

portia said...

awesome steph =) but you always look great! hope you had a fun night out!