

Knowing that i was getting up early today to meet krista for a run, i planned to go to bed early last night. Since i was staying at my parents', it should have been easy. No long commute, no option to pack and move stuff, just a quick dinner and visit and off to bed. Unfortunately, my parents are heading to prince edward island this weekend. The trip in itself isn't unfortunate- if things weren't so busy i'd tag along. The unfortunate part was that my mom (wanting to be prepared) borrowed "anne of green gables" from the library, and they decided to watch it with dinner last night. I started watching with them, and 2.5 hours later, when it still wasn't over, decided to go to bed at 11:30pm. I'm going to have to rent it now myself to see how it ends.

1 comment:

Nora said...

Now THIS brings me back to my childhood. I loved these books/movies!