

Today was a platelet day. I swear they're trying to make it harder for me. Instead of using the two needle machine, they're now (starting this week) required to use the one arm kit (something about reducing the possibility of contamination). While this may seem better (one needle, not two!), i don't like it as much. It's drawing and returning blood through the same vein, so has to move faster to do this in the same 90 mins. Plus, the last time i did this (eleven year ago), my vein blew as soon as the first return started, and it hurt like a son-of-a-gun. They're also using a "rolling year" for maximum donations. It used to be 24 donations max from jan to dec. Now it's 24 donations max within twelve months. This stinks because i don't tend to donate in the summer, so have to go weekly in the spring to make up for it. Not anymore! Luckily my vein stayed intact today, and aside from some gross "gurgling" feeling when the draw switched to return, everything went smoothly.
I think i've mentioned the satisfaction i've felt when volunteering in the pediatric hematology and oncology clinic (pedi hem onc) at mgh and meeting some children who're receiving platelets and other blood products. Today really hit it home for me. While giving a parent a chance to step outside for a bit, i spent some time with one of my favorite 2 yr olds. He's kicking cancer's butt right now, and is inpatient for a extended stay. During the 45 mins i spent with him, he started beeping. His nurse came in to unhook a tube and told him he was done with his platelets. And this is a kid i've really become attached to. I would have let them blow all my veins trying to get me set up with platelets. That would have been cake compared with what he's had to deal with, and i'm fifteen times older than him!


Nora said...

Steph, you are such a great person! This is inspiring me to help people more. Thanks for saving all those little kids' lives.

kai said...

I second Nora's comment. I'll have you know that I donated blood for the first time the other month, which is not the same at platelet donation, but its a step in the right direction (and better than nothing). I'll definitely do it on a regular basis. If you can go through the hassle of platelet donation so enthusiastically, the least I can do is donate blood.

Evil said...

hey, kai... technically speaking, the LEAST you can do is nothing. but donating blood is a good thing.

stephanie said...

Good job kai! I'm always happy when i find someone who'll donate. If you're interested, you can always come with me to do platelets sometime. I always joke that it's the perfect place to find a husband since you know they're tested for everything! You're all set with that, but still...
The other thing that's worth mentioning (since i didn't realize this at first) is that if you have a connection with any hospital, it's best to donate directly there as opposed to going through the red cross. Not only do you know that your blood will help the patients in that hospital (kids, local folks, etc), but if that hospital needs more blood products, they have to pay a significant amount to purchase them from red cross (somewhere in the realm of $1200/unit of platelets. They usually get a double product from me, so $2400 worth of red cross platelets!!!).

And said...

I did not know the hospital had to purchase from the red cross- that's interesting to know!

Unknown said...

Interesting that I came across this over the bubble gum 'google'.

I have been donating whole blood since 1977, when I was 16 or seventeen. I started because I heard about someone who had donated '50 gallons' in his lifetime and thought that was amazing.

When I go I give a double dose, though I am unsure of what that means, I do know it means they take more from me less often so I only have to go 3 times a year.This really makes it easy. Its a great idea. Last time I went the gift was a movie ticket!!!

Also, I am an oncology nurse in Albuquerque, so I see the great uses of any blood donations. If you didn't know....there on the bags of blood are where they are donated from. I know its impossible to know if its me or not, but I always look for my "A positive" from Albuquerque. Would just be a great way to 'see' yourself!!!

When I was younger, I donated for the money, while in college. And that was great for that time. Now, as a 'grown up' I see that the importance of blood donation, and it should be as easy as they make it!

DON'T forget to put yourself on the BONE MARROW LIST too. These days, its as easy as filling out a credit card application (okay, easier) and donating one vile of blood to save someones life in an amazing way!!

Thanks for the place to share!