

I had an absolutely terrifying nightmare.
It began with a weekly tv show that people experience instead of just watching. There was something dangerous, and each week you were left with a different type of clue as to how much danger you were in. The thing was the same (though you didn't know what it was until the end), but each week it got worse. In the dream, i came to an apartment and found a package outside. I opened it, and found something relatively harmless. (I don't remember what it was though.) Then i chose to accept the danger, and had a brief encounter with the thing. Each week it got worse, and even though i technically had the option of saying no, i couldn't. One week the package contained serious first aid stuff. Not just your run of the mill band aids and neosporin. I talked with people who'd seen the show, and they didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Still though, i was nervous. Things are a little fuzzy here, but the result was that i was attacked by a cat. In real life, you might leave with a few scratches, but in my nightmare it was far worse. I couldn't fight back for some reason, and this cat was crazy (and bigger than a normal cat too). I was terrified- even woke myself up by saying something in my sleep. I think i couldn't see the cat, which made everything worse. (Kind of like why i don't like swimming in dark water- you never know what kind of crazy fish are around you.) I finally got out, and was covered in cat gashes. My face had a few long claw marks, but they were pretty light. My arms were a different story. They had much deeper scratches going in all different directions.
I'm not sure what to make of this. Reading it now, it doesn't sound like such a big deal, but i honestly don't think i've ever been this terrified in a nightmare. I was just starting to like cats too!


kai said...

That sounds kind of like a reality TV show - and yes, they are horrifying....

There was a video on CNN last week about a pond in MN where all the fish had died over the winter, and as the ice thawed, they discovered all these fish carcases floating - one of which was a terrifying looking half decomposed fish with razor sharp teeth that no one could identify. Thus confirming my fear of the "Pond Monster"

And said...

I had a nightmare about nova! she had her tail cut off by an old roommate (not you-- Jessica!) and she was bleeding everywhere! So I woke up and found Nova safe and sound, sleeping next to me.

Nora said...

I think you are scared about your application you just sent in!