

I'm sorry, but who would not only pay $94 for these shoes, but wear them as well?

(Update- the link died, and while updating it, i learned that the $94 shoe is really just a copy of the original, which sells for $359. In retrospect, $94 is a steal! I also learned that zappos has a fancy section where they sell all the cool shoes- couture.zappos.com instead of just www.zappos.com.)


Evil said...

those shoes are sexy.

stephanie said...

Well, maybe i should get some then. We all know that evil has impeccable taste in clothes. The kids at the hospital would certainly get a kick out of it.

And said...

I think I might wear them...but not for $94...maybe if they were $10.

Nora said...

I think they are sort of cute. But I don't think I will ever pay $100 for shoes.

stephanie said...

Ya...I can see andrea pulling these off, and only because she can wear unique clothes without looking weird in them (like most of us). That's it though, anyone else I saw in them would be laughed at.

And said...

I have an affinity for animal themed clothing and shoes. I have shoes with pandas on them and another pair with rhinos.