

I bought some new frames to hang on my wall of frames, and had to find a few b+w photos to fill them temporarily. I was worried i wouldn't find anything since most of my proofs and contact sheets are still in my darkroom at the b.'s house, but i was in luck! I dug through a box i keep on my shelf, and hit the mother load. This was probably the best one i came across...

It's e. when she was a little baby. (I won't black out her face since she looks completely different now, and it would defeat the purpose of posting the picture here.) It's 6"x9", so too big to put in one of my new frames, but i think i'll have to find a spot for it. Seriously- how hilarious is this? She looks so worried! There's even a little bubble of drool on her lower lip. Priceless.


stephanie said...

I e-mailed this to her mom right after posting, and this was the reply i got:
"She looks psychotic!"
She does indeed.

Louie Monkey-Pest said...

Keep us posted. We at headquarters need to know what you are up to.