

I'm not sure how i feel about the academy awards results. Some were good (once, for one. If that silly disney movie enchanted won for best song, i would have slit my wrists). Some were bad. Maybe not bad per se, but a little discouraging. I didn't see the one that won a ton- no country for old men- but it didn't seem like anything i'd be interested in. At one point, la vie en rose was brought up, and i kept thinking that i'd seen part of it (but not all), but couldn't figure out how that would have happened. I finally remembered watching it on netflix instant (where you can watch the movie instantly on your computer), but it was at night and i was tired, so i turned it off and thought i'd finish it the next day. Apparently that didn't happen. So i knew a little bit about it, and was happy they won for best makeup and she won for best actress. Nicely done.


Nora said...

I really liked No Country For Old Men. It was a cool, well made, well acted movie. I loved Once and was so happy about the song winning! Now dresses... which ones were favorites... none really stood out this year! Lots of pregnant chicks though.

And said...

Funny, Steph-- I moved La Vie en Rose up to #1 when I saw you had seen it on Netflix! It reminded me I wanted to see it ,so it's ironic you couldn't remember it :)

Nora said...

Let me know if you both like La Vie en Rose b/c if you do, maybe I'll watch it on Demand. I can't decide if I want to see it.

evil twin #2 said...

I watched La Vie en Rose, appropiately enough, at the Paris Theater here in New York. That theater has an amazing sound system. I LOVED it (as did all the seniors that were watching it with me -- I was the only person in the theater under 60), but am not sure if it would translate as well to the small screen. C'est la vie, non?