

I'm really getting annoyed about the spell check feature on blogspot. It hasn't been working for quite some time now. (I'd guess two months, but it could only have been one.) Is it just not working for me? What about all you other blogspot posters? It's not that i'm a bad speller per se, but it makes me have to pay more attention to my typing skills instead of just hitting the abc checkmark once i'm finished. Grr..


Artist Statement said...

I know! It drives me crazy too, being that I am such a good speller. Today it worked for the first time! Yeah!

Evil said...

spell check is so passe. just be free, steph. be free!

stephanie said...

Passe? That's unfortunate. When you can't decipher my blog entries because of the quick typing and subsequent spelling errors, you'll only have yourself to blame.

And said...

I don't usually use the spell check...I just hope for the best!

And said...

Actually, I never write directly in Blogger-- I always compose in my email. But I still don't spell check.