

Today I used my birthday present for the first time. I've been trying to come up with a brilliant concoction to mix up in it, but finally decided to stick with what I know. In this case, I chose "good-luck cookies," a delicious gingersnapish cookie that my mom's famous for. They're fabulous- soft and chewy with a little sugar on the top (literally), and the one cookie of hers that I can replicate very well. Surprisingly, we had most of the ingredients thanks to our last grocery trip and jen's spice collection, so I only had to pick up molasses. I have to say, one of my favorite functions on this mixer is the "stir" setting. Instead of turning it on low and having the flour fly all over the place, you can turn it on stir and it does just that; stirs the ingredients together until they're slightly mixed. Then you turn it up to mix them thoroughly, and the flour stays where it's supposed to be. You don't even need the handy bowl guard. They're in the fridge chilling for an hour or so, and then I'll roll them and cook them. If you're lucky, you might just get a few!


Nora said...

I want the recipe!!!
You look cute pouring the sugar.

stephanie said...

Thanks Nora! You can't tell, but I'm wearing my apron:)