

Right now I have two bedrooms. Mine, and my guest room (aka "julie's room"). When I move, I'll only have one, which means I have to drastically cut down on the amount of stuff I have. Yesterday I brought the extra bed back to my parents' house, and today I cleaned out most of what was left. The things I'm keeping are packed away in the attic space, and the things I'm selling/donating are in the hall. It's pretty cramped out there. Luckily, our yard sale is planned for saturday morning, so it will be gone in five days. Tomorrow the mattress man comes with two new twin beds. That way they'll be able to smoosh them together to have one big king when they need it, or keep them separate and have two visitors. I think I might be the first visitor and try one of them out. Ahhh....new comfy beds.

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