

I took andrea's example and reactivated my library card yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Just $15 in fines, and a $1 fee for the new card (which is prettier than the old card, so even if I could find it, it would probably be worth the extra buck). The last time I used my library card was four years ago when my sister and I drove across country. I took out three books on tape for the drive, but found that we were too easily distracted to follow along, so we never really listened to them. Then it took me about three months to return them, thus the $5 fee per item. Yesterday it was rainy, and we had no one to play with. So we grabbed our umbrella's, and walked into town for the afternoon. The girls were excited about going to the library, something we clearly hadn't done in four years. We asked the librarian about getting them their own cards, and they can do it. They just need a parent with them. So yesterday they each picked out two books which we checked out on my card, and then we stopped at the real deal for lunch before walking home in between the raindrops. Once I whittle down my bookshelf books, I'll start using the library myself!

1 comment:

And said...

You will love it!! what is especially nice is the reserving/hold system. Any book you want, they will hold it for you at the front desk. Popular books you might have to wait for, but then it is a nice surprise. Plus you will save lots of money. Lots!